Monday, December 3, 2012

The Music Game......

In 2011 music digital downloads out sold physical CD copy for the first time ever. Gone are the days where everybody was selling platinum albums now selling 500k is going platinum and selling a million is doing double platinum. So who's to blame for music not selling as well? Who’s to blame for album getting leaked? So who's to blame for artist not getting any visible notice once there's album is out?
Well folks I don't have the answers to those question but I can tell you when it started for me, six years ago Lupe Fiasco dropped the critically acclaimed Food and Liquor his album was leaked and let me tell you this his leaked album was better than his released album which they had to re-do because of the leaked album, but their were a couple of songs that I wish that I would of seen on his official release. The album still got great reviews imagine if his album didn't get leaked at all. Food and Liquor was the first album I got on bootlegged and I felt bad for it, so bad that I went out and bought the album and every other Lupe album except Lasers (That’s another story for another day). With the growth of the internet and technology getting albums is very easy to do I’ll admit after the Food and Liquor album I continue to bootleg because it was easy to do and you’ll get it before the release. Now if I came across an album that I liked and it was really good I will go out and buy the album sometimes two copies and give them to some friends. This year I've listen to a lot of great work that I've gone out and buy Channel Orange, Welcome to Our House, Kaleidoscope Dream, Les is More, This Generation, Life is Good, and Food and Liquor II. The music game is messed up it’s now about singles and ringtones don’t be surprise if artists start selling music on their own personal apps with their tracks and music videos.

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