Saturday, September 3, 2011

Welcome Back DMX

Music invokes memories and emotions for most people the music they listen to are their own personal soundtrack to their life. With that being said one of my favorite artists listening to growing up was DMX. I can remember the first time I remember hearing DMX it was back in 1998 while I was in middle school (damn that long ago). Now back than a lot of my friends I grew up with listen to a range of music from Jay-Z to Master P lol yes Master P was relevant once a upon a time. What caught my attention about DMX was his fourth single Ruff Ryders’ Anthem from his debut album It’s Dark and Hell is Hot I went and bought  his  album and been a fan ever since than.

 Fast Forward to the present as many of you have known DMX has had some run in with the law and a drug addiction. It came to my attention DMX was doing a show in Dallas at the House of Blues his first show after being released from prison. Now the week leading up to the show DMX gets in trouble with the law for speeding. In my head I was like here we go again is he going to get arrested? Is he back in drugs again? I still went through to go check him out and man I’m glad I didn’t back out. Check out the video below of DMX performance at House of Blues.

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